Wide range of images available for free
Wide range of images available for free
Fresh new photos, illustrations and icons added regularly and carefully selected by our dedicated team, so that your Birthday Card can feature the best images.
Birthday Card templates designed Professionally
Birthday Card templates designed Professionally
Artfia has hundreds of templates designed by our team of professional designers. You’ll have a custom Birthday Card in minutes with our user-friendly drag and drop features.
Easy drag-and-drop tools
Easy drag-and-drop tools
Artfia's drag-and-drop editor is designed to enable anyone including design novices to create beautiful and professional Birthday Card designs. Add, remove or re-position elements, change fonts and colors and add more pages.

Birthday Card Design Templates

Birthday Card templates
Birthday Card - green temple
Birthday Card templates
snow white
Birthday Card templates
Birthday Card templates
Mom Birthday
Birthday Card templates
Big Monkeys Love
Birthday Card templates
Excited Birthday Card
Birthday Card templates
Birthday Card - Untitled
Birthday Card templates
Baby Birthday Card

Printing Birthday Cards

Artfia also features a high-quality printing service allowing you to bring your birthday card design into reality and give a decent gift with blessing to your friends. We will print your birthday card at a reasonable price and with prompt delivery to your chosen address.
Birthday Card design
Kit Cheng
Add member


You are free to share your birthday card design with your friends for advice or inspiration. You can also modify the birthday cards with them. Just click on "Team" to create a new team, enter the email addresses of your friends, and then invite them to join the team and work on the design together.
Definitely. Click “Upload”, choose a photo from your devices, or drag and drop it to Artfia side bar. To apply the photos to your design, what you need is just to drag a photo onto the design interface. All uploaded photos can be used repeatedly.
Artfia does not have limitation on this. You can edit and save the invitation card template as many times as you like.
You can find the saved templates under “Saved Designs” in “Your Designs” tab.
Yes. Click “Publish” and you can see different options of digital channels such as WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook to send the card to your friends. You can also download the card as PNG, JPG or PDF format and share the file to them.