Wide range of images available for free
Fresh new photos, illustrations and icons added regularly and carefully selected by our dedicated team, so that your Curriculum Vitae can feature the best images.

Curriculum Vitae templates designed Professionally
Artfia has hundreds of templates designed by our team of professional designers. You’ll have a custom Curriculum Vitae in minutes with our user-friendly drag and drop features.

Easy drag-and-drop tools
Artfia's drag-and-drop editor is designed to enable anyone including design novices to create beautiful and professional Curriculum Vitae designs. Add, remove or re-position elements, change fonts and colors and add more pages.
Send the CV to your potential employer or print it out
Once you have created your outstanding CV, you can download it in PNG or PDF format and forward it to your potential employers. You can also print it out with PDF format in case you require a hard copy.


Kit Cheng


Add member
In Artfia, you are free to share your CV with your friends for advice or helping you review the design, organization or grammar. Just click on "Team" to create a new team, enter the email addresses of your friends, and then invite them to join the team and help you write an attractive CV to your prospective CV.
Artfia does not charge for creating a personalized CV. It is totally free.
Artfia does not have limitation on this. You can edit and save the CV template as many times as you like.
Yes! Our platform is highly user friendly. You can upload any logo in JPEG or PNG. Click “Upload an image” button in the “Uploads” tab and choose the image you love. Then you are able to edit your logo.
Click “Publish” in top right hand corner and you can share it with your friends and family via digital platforms such as email. By clicking the link generated, they are able to access to and edit your CV in Artfia.